HR Policy

RENKSAN regards people as the “essential resource and value” that mobilizes all other known resources of management. Through the distribution of roles it puts in place within the organization, aims to increase within a system of employee participation in management. It also constantly renews the organization by focusing on increasing employee contribution both into their specific posts and into the entire company.

Job Application and Recruitment

The individuals that RG strives to make a part of the “Renksan Family” are those compatible with the company’s culture and values, the most suitable talents that will succeed in the fast-changing market conditions and increasing competition using personal skills and capabilities.

The application form in the “Job Application” section in our website must be filled and submitted by candidates wishing to work for our company or use our advertisements on the recruitment portal that we use, Renksan may contact candidates through social media and Linkedin platform.

Applications are reviewed by the Human Resources Division and shared with the persons in charge in the relevant section. Candidates found suitable are called for interview. Candidates who successfully complete the recruitment process are made a job offer once the Human Resources Division performs reference checks.

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